The bagua area for Love & Marriage is located in the Southwest area of your home and this area represents the matriarch of the home. 

It is associated with the number two. Consider this area the “mother earth” area of your home. The element here is earth and the energy is yin.  Consult Amanda, your personal Classical Feng Shui Practitioner to find out what element you need to balance this energy of your home and get flowing today. The Intentional Feng Shui recommendations below  will be all the more powerful if this area is balanced to begin with.

Southwest for love and marriage

Place objects always in pairs in your SW area. The number two is very powerful for love. Examples of this are love birds like 2 swans or 2 cranes, 2 hearts (not one), 2 peonies (a powerful symbol), or 2 rose quarts crystals.

Love art is especially powerful in the SW area. Choose pictures of a couple in love (for monogamous relationships) always hung at eye level.

Is your lighting romantic or beautiful? Consider a dimmer.

Is your style of furniture more round or square? Roundness is the preferable shape in feng shui.

If you have the space, create a love nook to sit in  like 2 chairs or a love seat.

Earthy tones work well in this SW area as it is ruled by an earth element. Earth elements can be stone, dirt, sand, & crystals/gems/minerals that are not metal.  Although red is associated with passion, too much red may make the area too “yang”(active, busy). Red in large amounts tends to increase anxiety, and that doesn’t bode well for love.

Watch out for ceiling fans. These represents cutting energy. If you cannot remove it, at least replace blades with a more rounded style. Along the same vein of “cutting energy”, look for corners pointed at you in this SW area from walls or furniture. These are called poison arrows and they can be minimized.  A search on poison arrows in feng shui will give you some suggestions to soften the piercing energy of corners pointed toward you.

Look around:  We are so much more sensitive to our environments than we realize. Do you have war pictures or weapons of any sort in your bedroom or SW area? This includes knives in the kitchen. Weapons can create conflict and arguing for obvious reasons.  What surrounds you in this room. Does it support love?

Love deity symbols: Feng Shui is non-denominational.  If you feel called to bring in beautiful love deity energy, the above pictured Kuan Yin is a fabulous choice as she brings in unconditional love and compassion in a passionate fearless way- like the love a mother has for her child. Angels for love and cupids can work well for you too.

Create the space for change: I advocate leaving some empty space in every one of the 9 areas of your home. I recommend this because leaving space psychologically prepares us to invite newness and change in our lives. It helps to keep us from being stuck.

For those looking for love, get clear on exactly what you want!  Write a well thought out secret love-note to the universe describing your perfect soul mate and put it in your SW area. It can be hidden if you choose. For couples having a hard time with your current relationship, write a similar note and encourage your partner to do the same.  Bringing in 2 larimar crystals can help with healing relationships and provides unconditional love energy.

Tip: If you are giving roses, remove the thorns. I’m sure everyone understands the psychology in this.

Fake or dried flowers are not recommended anywhere in the home as represents dead energy.

Essential oils or incense: rose oils, bergamont or lavendar are beautiful compliments to bring into your SW area or bedroom.

Quick tips to jumpstart the bedroom:

The same principals above can apply to your bedroom if you wish to bring love into your life or strengthen a current relationship. A queen sized bed is best as it encourages the right amount of togetherness.  Balance on both sides is important to support equality in the relationship (ie. an end table, round if possible, and matching lamps).

Keep only pictures of the happy couple on the walls or love art symbolizing what you would like to call into your relationship. Please no family photos, or photos of just yourself (too much ego and can represent unbalance in the relationship). No mirrors either. A lovely scarf can be hung over mirrors if you choose.

There should be nothing in the bedroom that doesn’t have to do with love or sleep. This includes exercise equipment.  If you do bring a love statue deity symbol in the room, it is not to be directly facing you while you are in bed.

Art for the bedroom  should symbolize what you want to bring more of into your love life. Art offers very powerful psychological suggestions, so be mindful of your choice.   If you are looking for art or want more love in the bedroom, be sure to place loving couple art that you can see first thing upon rising. I use a vinyl decal  infinity symbol with the couples names on it for a powerful personalized effect.

Clear your clutter. Clutter keeps us stuck and inhibits growth. If you want change, get rid of the clutter.

For couples struggling, Ganesh energy may be a good option to bring into your bedroom to increase your  love life. Perhaps hang a scroll outside your bedroom door as Ganesh cuts through obstacles with ease. Again Kuan Yin for forgiveness, compassion healing and unconditional love is a good choice. Bringing in  pairs of objects such as swans, crystals such like 2 rose quartz or 2 adventurine crystals for example could be helpful as well. Mother Mary can be used for forgiveness and compassion as well.

 *Make sure you have no exposed beams overhead as this can symbolical separate the couple. The same goes for a rug under a bed. Make sure the rug is not positioned halfway under your bed cutting you both in half. Spinning Ceiling fans can produce negative energy as well.

Are your colors and textures of your bedroom earthy and cozy? Grey’s & blues may be a little cool for love, while cozy earthy tones of browns, tans & creams may help to create a relaxing environment for rest and love. Red can cause anxiety.

Body parts associate with the SW area: Not to replace licensed medical care   Ancient feng shui lists the following body parts as being associated with this area. Abdomen, stomach, pancreas, flesh & fat. Illnesses listed from ancient feng shui texts are located in the reproductive system or can be digestive disorders. For me, feng shui body areas helps to bring about psychological awareness to my body in each area of my home. For example I use this information in the SW area of my home  to support my awareness in the areas of health and love. Placing discreet items or images in this area helps me in remembering to take my probiotics (digestive), continue OB Gyn regular visits (reproductive health) and to encourage portion control for my diet (fat & flesh). Keeping these areas clean and clutter free psychologically help to bring attention to maintaining your health and wellness, as well as supporting self love and romantic love in this area.

Flying Star Forecast for your Love & Marriage area 2018-2020

In the year of the dog, 2018, the heavenly energy of flying star 6 enters making this one a great year for love & for starting a marriage. 2019 will be more challenging as the misfortune star 5 enters so be sure to  neutralize this energy with heavy metal & moving metal.  However love luck is only a year away as  2020 brings the beautiful romance energy of flying star 4. Be sure to get with your personal Feng Shui consultant to get your remedies for each of these years.  After the initial consultation,  many personal consultants will provide you with ongoing remedies for each year if you just ask for no added fee.

The list for love & marriage in the SW doesn’t end here. There are so many wonderful feng shui techniques to spruce up your love-life and create a space that is a reflection for exactly what you want to bring into your love life! Get flowing today with Amanda at Feng Shui Hooray. Mention this blog post for $50.00 off of the Amethyst Complete Consultation package as my Valentines Day special, good until 2/14/18.

*Although most feng shui practitioners shy away from remote consultations, most classical practitioners are able to accurately work your homes’ positional energy using satellite imaging & a  blueprint to at least give you the basic remedies in the 9 life areas to balance your home. A remote consultation for anything other than balancing the elements and intentional areas can be very difficult. I recommend an on premise local certified consultant within the International Feng Shui Guild directory for a more complete feng shui consultation. 

Call or email Amanda Finch, Gold Level School Graduate & International Feng Shui Guild member today! (970) 217-8129 or email